Incoming events

  • May 19-23, 2025: Conference in Honor of René Carmona, organized at CIRM

Past events

  • September 9-13, 2024: Statistical and Probabilistic Analysis of Random Networks and Processes, conference organized in Nice

  • July 2-4, 2024: Rough path, conference organized in Nice.

  • June 17-19, 2024: A backward stochastic excursion, conference in honor of Ying Hu, Rennes.

  • April 14, 2024: Text about verbal abuse at work (in French).

  • January 22-26, 2024: PDE & Probability in interaction: functional inequalities, optimal transport and particle systems conference at CIRM.

  • December 18-22, 2023: Mean field interactions with singular kernels and their approximations conference at IHP.

  • November 28-29, 2023: PGMO days at Palaiseau.

  • September 22, 2023: Organization of a Fresque du climat at “Journées de rentrée” of Fime.

  • September 13-14, 2023: Fime workshop.

  • April 4, 2023: Organization of a Fresque du climat at Institut Louis Bachelier.

  • December 14-15, 2022: 7th Green Finance Research Advances. To limit the carbon footprint of the conference, overseas participants and more generally those who cannot reach Paris by train within a reasonable amount of time, will be able to deliver their presentations online if they wish to do so.

  • June 25-29, 2022: 19th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications.

  • May 31-June 2, 2022: Climate finance, risk and uncertainty modelling.

  • April 12, 2022: Fresque du climat at CMAP organized by the sustainable development commission.

  • March 21-22, 2022: 15-th Financial international risk forum.

  • December 9, 2021: Organization of a sustainable development day at CMAP: see the program. Scientific work presented. Main topics: mathematics for energy systems, climate and green finance, biodiversity modeling. Also, the carbon footprint of the laboratory was presented.

  • October 27-29, 2021: Congrès des jeunes chercheurs en mathématiques appliquées. Event in applied mathematics at École polytechnique (Palaiseau), organized by young researchers and supported by SMAI.

  • An ecologic transition commission has been created in 2020 at CMAP. Following other laboratories (see the IPSL working groupe climactions for example) we aim at understanding what are the relevant actions for an ecological transition at the level of the department of mathematics. Information are available on the web page of the commission.